The day i met C, my one most important Master so far, he casually grabbed me by the back of my neck while talking to me and that was all it took. I remember leaving the pub where we had met and (forgive the Friends quote, i know it's not very BDSM) it must have looked like i had slept with a hanger in my mouth so big was the smile on my face. From that day, and for as long as it lasted with him, i wanted nothing more that to do anything i could to please and serve him. Even when i met L, just a few months later, and became so fascinated by him, i chose not to go back to his place after our first meet because i wanted to remain loyal to my Owner. A decision, i must admit, that i later came to regret.
Anyway, the w/e Master has gone so i guess i can take this cock ring off...

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