The complication this time, the fly in the ointment, as some would say, is that he's hundreds of miles away. It's not an irremediable distance where you make your peace with it and don't think about it, like australia or japan and he's not merely at an inconvenient distance, like, say, surrey or somewhere else like that that's just annoyingly far. He's at a considerable but manageable distance: in Scotland.
He's offered to take me as his slave, and i've accepted. i don't know why. I have no idea how this is going to work, if i'm going, if he's coming, when, how often. i just know that after talking to him, i felt that i wanted to do it, i wanted to be his slave.
And just as he came into being, his absence became very obvious and was felt very strongly. As my pubes are once again clear, as per his desires, i look at the freshly shaved area and it's my only point of contact with my new Master that i have yet to meet.
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