Friday, December 15, 2006

glasgow, day 2: virtual spaces

No sooner had i uploaded my blog entry than my Owner phoned me from down the road ready to meet me. And meet we did. In the past i have often wanted to have a drink and a chat with somebody before anything else happened, to get to know them better, but we'd cyber-done all that and face to face there were not many more words left to be said.

I felt any initial nervousness drain out of me instantly the minute i was on my knees before him and from then on i was suspended in a state of blissful semi-awareness that i didn't come out of until the moment came, several hours later, when i realised he had to leave.

The come down was a sudden, spiralling crash and, with such intense, bottled-up emotions on the brink of bursting out of me, i would have wanted to hold on to him and implore him not to leave. With his mere presence, he had transformed the inside of an anonymous and somewhat alienating hotel room into a magical space suspended out of space and time. I could have forever basked in the warmth that he radiated. i have no idea how long we were actually together and i don't really care because every second was so rich that it couldn't be measured anyhow. But now he had to leave and through the sadness of knowing he was going to walk away, i assisted him in getting dressed again with a promise that he'd come to see me again.

But in the balance of the impossible magic of his presence and the hundreds of miles and hurdles that separate us, i still have doubts that i shall continue to be his slave for much longer. But now i'm happy to have come to this town, to have exposed myself to his touch and to have bowed my head for him even if only in a space and time that, very much like the cyberspace where we met, has no contact with the real world.

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