Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Over the weekend, i have become owned.

it has happened in an unexpected and unplanned way. i had been holding off meeting anyone until sunday when i was due to meet a prospective new owner. But then, on saturday night, a message turned into a chat, turned into an improvised meet at 4.40 in the morning that i arrived too early for.

i wasn't supposed to stay for very long but i shortly started hoping that He wouldn't ask me to leave. And He didn't until the next day.

In hindsight i realise that someone might argue that it was a little risky to go to a stranger's flat in the middle of the night and let myself be put in a condition where i could have literally done nothing to defend myself had He turned out to be, say, a serial killer. But from chatting with Him i just felt complete trust in Him. I guess it's more than a little risky to have such blind faith in one's instincts but the scary truth is the thought that i might be in danger never even crossed my mind.

Ironically my body is fighting that which my heart has been craving. i was unwell for most of the day yesterday and now seem to have developed a minor rash around my neck where the collar was.

i look forward to my body catching up with the rest of me.


tim said...

thank you for pointing that out. i had only changed my main profile but have now changed all of them.
This, of course, did not imply i was looking for someone else. Simply that i hadn't thought of changing them yet.

Bruiser said...

Why are you even answering this kind of shit? You don't owe anyone any explainations about your status or what you write about. What I like best about you is that you are a thoughful slave. Who is this guy? roblondonsw1?

tim said...

He's a very intelligent man, and somebody who's helped me a great deal in the past. Hence my decision to reply.