growing up with very limited access to porn and even unaware that material might actually be available that could link in to the somewhat perverse thoughts i used to have as a child (i still doubt it), I used to follow with much interest historical films, not so much for their educational value, but for the simple reason that you'd get a glimpse of distant societies where slavery was part of daily life. I'd sit through mind-numbingly boring B-class movies just for the chance of seeing the interactions of masters and slaves. Men whipped within inches of their lives for not serving adequately, their lives completely in the hands of their owners. That sort of thing was worth enduring all the other side elements of the plot, things like wars and whatever else was happening in them.

One of the things that would properly set my mind spinning were people getting around on slave-carried litters. The way these men's only purpose was to be used as a means of transport was extremely exciting. How it is that a child comes to be excited about this sort of thing is beyond the scope of this blog. The fact is that this interest translated, in my adult life, in what is generally referred to as pony play.
Of course, as is often the case, my interest in this sort of thing doesn't seem to fit neatly in the proper BDSM-defined category. I'm not very appealed generally by the idea of becoming some sort of animal, be it a dog, a pony, a pig or a hippo. i simply enjoy the notion that my body can come to be used by my owner in many possible ways - a means of getting you from A to B being one such way.

Now, being something of a spoilt child, I have later moved my attention from litters, which would involve lots of other slaves getting in the way and diluting my devotion to my owner, to a simple rickshaw solution - mind you, the ones where you have to run though, not cycle. As i'm currently spending a few weeks in china, the rickshaw is not something that's very hard to come by. Tourists are constantly offered a rickshaw tour of the town, but those are the cycle variants - not so interesting - plus the obvious element of the retribution at the end makes them completely unappealing, you even get them in London. The other day, though, during a visit to the summer palace in Beijing - i saw an actual one, human-drawn, used to carry the empress - i know, a womam, I try not to focus on that. My boyfriend saw a sparkle in my eye as i stood in front of this simple vehicle designed for 2 people clearly belonging to 2 very different classes where one's life is only a commodity and intended purely for the use and comfort of the other. So I couldn't help but start day dreaming about running around the beautiful park surrounding the summer palace pulling the rickshaw behind me with my master comfortably sitting in the back guiding me to where he wants to go. Of course, ideally, there would need to be a lot fewer tourists
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