This may be a bit of a controversial and politically incorrect issue but i guess in my own blog i can allow myself a little leeway to be controversial and politically incorrect.
I have to admit that one aspect of a D/s relationship that I find exciting is when the disparity of power is mirrored in a perceived - albeit constructed - natural difference such as can be materialised and reified in race. In my non specifically D/s life - if there is such a thing in my case - I'm not particularly concerned by issues of race. In fact I believe this is quite an artificial concept that we've come to accept as a given fact of life when in fact it's merely a human construction: a cultural concept. If you think of it, the idea of humans being subdivided in races is completely arbitrary: a parameter that's been defined and internalised to the point that we've actually come to accept it as innate or factual when in fact it's completely cultural.
But far from wanting this to become the subject of this blog entry when it's meant to be about a much more neutral topic such as a slavery, the point i'm trying to make is that when the natural innate difference between a master and a slave is reinforced and accompanied by some degree of "racial" inequality, it makes for quite an appealing combination. The idea of master and slave being separated by not only their admittedly different mindsets but also some sort of genetic, "natural" or innate difference is for me quite a turn-on. It hints to the idea that a slave is a slave and could never be a master.
You can turn it around whichever way you please, i'm generally equally attracted by all combinations: black masters looking for a white slave, white masters looking for an asian slave and so on. Ultimately if you're going out to buy yourself a slave you might want to pick a colour to match the upholstery or whatever. The attraction is that If it's a slave we're talking about, there's no need to apply the same categories of respect, decency and political correctness that you would use for your neighbours, colleagues or anyone else.
As i'm currently playfully contemplating the idea of a move to Shanghai for a year or 2, the thought of becoming a chinese master's western bitch is rather appealing. I have similar fantasies about moving to an arab country although there it seems to be a little more delicate
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