Personally, i can understand why a slave would arrange a meet and then have second thoughts. But that's because i, too, am from Fuckknows. Sometimes it might be because your rational side is raising its ugly head pointing out that it's not sensible to go and meet someone you don't know and give them so much power over you, shifting something like this from an online fantasy to a real-life meet can be difficult or sometimes you might find your desire to submit so overpowering that it scares you and you feel that you need to work it out, or run away from it. Whatever the reason, this sort of behaviour, my friend tells me, seems to be quite common in slaves, or in any case, in people on the submissive side of the spectrum.
i have never been stood up by a master. i have been in contact with a good deal of procrastinators and have learnt, from my experience, that those who postpone never tend to arrange an actual meet. Of course that's not a rule fixed in stone but there's a trend there. But stood up, never. Perhaps because generally the people i arranged to meet were those interested in going a little further than a shag or maybe because masters don't stand slaves up. They are in control of things and don't have as much to lose. Let's face it, if you're going to meet a psycho serial killer, it's best if they're the ones cuffed to the radiator.
Personally, i don't think i've ever cancelled an appointment with a master, unless i had just had surgery or was very ill. i've certainly never stood someone up that i was supposed to meet. And that's not because i'm such a good slave and a great guy but because i have this strong sense of duty that's ingrained in my brain and it's something i find it hard to get away from. i finish what's in my plate and i don't stand people up. In my head the 2 are connected. But that's because i am from Fuckknows.
But what interested me about my friend's comment is that it suggested this opposition between masters and slaves that's generally used for men and women: i.e. suggesting these are 2 types of individuals that can never understand each other.
i wonder if that's true: that a slave can never understand what's going through a master's mind and, likewise, that a master has no clue what slaves are all about, that the 2 only just click, are attracted to each other like positive and negative charges. Maybe it's just this guy, i don't know. i do generally think that the men that i find myself drawn to, i.e. the masters who don't switch, are far removed from my galaxy. Nowhere near my native Fuckknows. Sometimes my behaviour pleases them and sometimes it angers them and i often feel unable to know in advance which it's going to be. Through training i can learn what is expected from me, but without the training, without being told what it is that i have to do, i'm totally lost. Beam me up, Scotty, we're heading back to Fuckknows.
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