Severely jet-lagged at the end of a day that lasted many, too many, hours, we decided not to further test our resistance to heat and humidity and instead to end this never-ending day with one of Thailand's most renowned institutions: the massage.
Having to pick a place we opted for a gay friendly, or rather just gay, spa. We went with our separate masseurs and as i found myself with this very cute guy pulling and pushing, pressing and stretching different parts of my body, i felt very comfortable with him, with his gentle ways and his shy, hesitant requests to move from one position to the other. As i was relaxing and letting myself go, my dick was occasionally reacting to the pressure he would apply to my crotch area and the inside of my thighs. I thought of apologising about it in the beginning but i later chose not to acknowledge it arguing with myself that he was probably used to this kind of response. Coming towards what felt like the end of the massage the adorable boy asked me to lie on my back again. He proceeded for one last rub in a few strategic places stopping often in the area around my crotch again. He later proceeded to a rather energetic and unequivocal dick rub which felt almost endearing for how casually it was delivered. At that point it didn't occurr to me i might want to apologise for the now vivid erection he had caused. I did feel a little uncomfortable but i did feel very close to him and didn't mind him touching me anywhere he was going to. It also occurred to me that this was in the end a part of my body like any other and thought this would simply end the massage. I tried to fight those christian influenced feelings that it was somehow wrong for him to touch my genitals so i just let him proceed. When he started opening up the front of the loose trousers i had been given and taking out my erection i started to feel that this was less innocent than i had anticipated. But once again i reprimanded myself for thinking along those lines. Like there was something wrong with sex. Yet i was feeling ill at ease thinking that i was paying this guy for a massage that included what turned out to be a hand job. But he was so sweet and gentle and i was so relaxed that i even let myself go to accepting unreciprocated sexual attention. It was a first for me on so many levels. The first initial thoughts of telling him that it was ok, that he didn't have to do it started to fade the minute this nun alert went off inside my head. I told myself i had enjoyed this boy's skills in giving me a formidable massage and there was nothing wrong letting it end the way that it felt natural that it would letting go of the last tension that was left in my body. I only had to observe how much dedication and attention he was putting into ensuring a pleasant experience for me to finally bring his job to an end. He wiped me clean, kissed me gently on the lips and asked me a few casual questions before helping me get dressed again and accompanying me back towards the reception area.
When i found my boyfriend again, he was quick to point out how, coming together again after a 6 week break, i had just marked the occasion having sex with someone else while he was in the next room. Not exactly the way we had planned our reunion.
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