Tuesday, January 10, 2006

in the playground

at the age of 8, me and a classmate, we used to sit during recess and talk about slavery.

i have to smile thinking of these 2 kids talking slaves instead of playing. So meant to be, isn't it? I wonder if this kind of stuff happens all the time, i wonder if out there in London, today, how many schools had children sitting around on the side of a courtyard discussing what masters could do to their slaves.

And i wonder what happened to my classmate, where he is now and whether he's grown to be into BDSM. I've googled him, but with no success.

He used to tell an open-mouthed smaller and marginally more innocent version of me how, in "the past", if a master had something wrong, like a disease, he could could get his slave to lie on his back on the floor in front of him and with his feet press down onto the slave's stomach so that the disease would be transferred from the master to the slave and the master would have nothing to worry about. i remember seeing in my head those tiny little spots slowly disappear from the master's legs and start to appear on the slave's stomach.

What powerful gift is a child's imagination.

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