Anyway, given my predisposition to not have my feet constantly firmly on the ground, i suppose it was only a matter of time before i would fly off to an entirely separate universe where the frontier between the real and the imagined is somewhat blurrier than here on Earth 1.0.

After taking some time to get on the gravy train, i have, in the space of a week or two, burnt the stages that have taken me years in my first life to go through. After hanging around for a few days at a particular dungeon in Passion Cove where people come and go, fuck, whip and leave, i've been left, very much like in my first life, angling for more.
This "more" has materialised in the shape of the Gorean city of White Water where i have become a city-owned slave, undergoing my training while awaiting to be bought by a Master. With the help of a few sympathetic slave brothers, I'm learning the ways of Gor, how to talk, behave, serve, etc. So far there has been no sexual contact with anybody but during the role play scenes i am invigorated with energy by virtue of simply being in an environment made of überbutchy warrior men bent on camaraderie and hunts, and hyperservile slaves whose only concern is to ensure the comfort of their superiors. What can i say, like every other child, i thrive in the right environment, and i fit comfortably where roles are defined and i'm expected to be on my knees every time a Master is present and remain in silence until spoken to.
I'm uncertain how long this phase will last but i wonder if this kind of universe is maybe a little dangerous for me. In spite of my predilection for my dream life, i have nontheless never had much trouble (only a little) separating what's true from what isn't. Are things going to change now in my Second Life™?